Bur Diamond (Unodent) Specialist Laminate Veneer Kit

Manufacturer: UNODENT
Code: DDBD008
Contains 10 diamond burs including 'Tiger Stripes' which cut to a depth of 0.3mm or 0.5mm, diamonds to clean off stripes and luting cement, and ultrafine finishers for complete aesthetics. Tiger Stripe To produce a depth cut of 0.3mm, 290/010 (T10), 290/010UF (T10U), 556 To clean off stripes, 546 Long To clean off stripes, 557UF To clean off excess luting cement, 561UF To clean off excess luting cement, Tiger Stripe To produce depth cut ofLaminate Veneer Kit 1 OF EACH BUR Tiger Stripes 0.3mm 290/012U/F 290/010 290/010U/F 556 546 Long 557 U/F Tiger Stripes 0.5mm 290/012


What is it?

Diamond burs are most commonly friction grip type because they are used primarily in high speed handpieces. However, similar to carbide burs, they come in a variety of head shapes and sizes.

What is it used for?

Diamond burs are used for precise drilling and finishing and for grinding where material removal is not a concern