Tegaderm I.V. Transparent Film Dressing with Border 7cm x 8.5cm 1633 Box 100. All-in-one sterile dressing - reduces application time.
Tegaderm consists of a thin polyurethane membrane coated with a layer of an acrylic adhesive. The dressing, which is permeable to both water vapour and oxygen, is impermeable to micro-organisms and once in position, it provides an effective barrier to external contamination, whilst producing a moist environment at the surface of the wound by reducing water vapour loss from the exposed tissue. Under these conditions in shallow wounds, scab formation is prevented and epidermal regeneration takes place at an enhanced rate, compared with that which occurs in wounds treated with traditional dry dressi
Tegaderm may be used in the treatment of minor burns, pressure areas, donor sites, post-operative wounds, and a variety of minor injuries including abrasions and lacerations. It is also used as a protective cover to prevent skin breakdown due to friction or continuous exposure to moisture. Tegaderm may be used to retain peripheral and central IV catheters, for the transparent nature of the dressing allows the site to be constantly monitored for signs of infection, leakage or catheter misplacement.