Dental Implantology Sterile Pack A

Code: OA12.S5669
(exc VAT)

This pack delivers your ideal dental implant pack.

x2 Gowns (Large)
x4 Paper Towels
x1 U Shaped Drape 200 x 133cm
x1 Head Drape 67 x 75cm
x1 Mayo Table Cover
x2 Surface Drapes (absorbent/waterproof with adhesive tape) 75 x 90cm
x2 Tube Covers (including Bands) 120cm
x2 Adhesive Film 20 x 20cm (use as light handle or light switch covers)
x1 Disposable Safety Glasses
x1 Aspirating Tube with Yankauer sucker end
x1 Tweezers (blue) plastic
x1 Yellow Sack with adhesive
x2 Caps (1 Nurses elasticated, 1 Surgeons Cap Tied)
X4 Over shoes (blue) singles
x2 Masks - 4 Ties


What is it?

Sterile Implantology medical pack for an implant procedure, When a patient has lost one or more teeth, dental implants have multiple advantages over other treatments involving removable prostheses.

What is it used for?

Implants allow distributing chewing forces between implants and adjacent structures of the mouth (gums, bones and remaining teeth), which helps to reduce the stress on these structures. When healthy teeth are still in the mouth, the patient can expect to be able to keep these remaining teeth longer than if no implant was installed and if the space created by missing teeth remained vacant.